More and more “gene product”, classified as “biologics” are hitting the veterinary and human medicine markets.
My profession, veterinary medicine, has fully bought into the marketing campaign produced by a company who has its sights set on “the first billion dollar animal drug”, Librela, and the cat version, Solensia.
They are both labeled for arthritis and are called “wonder drugs with no side effects”. The biggest disappointment to me is that veterinarians, with extensive scientific educations (which I have my doubts about now that corporate America, i.e. Purina, Zoetis, has bought out the universities)have not only bought into the marketing mottos but are gas lighting clients, adamant that these injections cannot be behind any of the effects they are seeing in their animals.
Here are the latest reports from the EudraVigilance database, thanks to “Cat Tnr” on Facebook.
If your pet is having any of issues below after receiving Librela or Solensia, please report it and take this list into your veterinarian.
And please share so that we can help prevent any more animals from having to go through this.
The EudraVigilance (EVVet) database includes data from the majority of countries where Librela is commercially available. As of 3rd December 2024, the number of individual cases on the EVVet Database for Librela was 23,094. Some dogs will have multiple adverse reactions.The vast majority of these are reported by vets.
There is a lack of consistent information in the "Summary of Product Characteristics" (SPC) / Product Information sheets (PI) across the world. Those documents will be updated as more adverse reaction reports are sent in, so PLEASE KEEP REPORTING THE ADVERSE REACTIONS YOUR DOG HAD FOLLOWING ONE OR MULTIPLE LIBRELA INJECTIONS.
The numbers of adverse reactions which have been reported are listed below in descending order.
🔸️ ️URINARY BLADDER DISORDERS– 4629 (including Polyuria (excessive urinating) / Pollakiuria (urgency to urinate) 2761; and Urinary Incontinence 1987)
🔸️ MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS – 3464 (including muscle weakness 1564, Lameness 631, Bone & Joint Disorders 670)
🔹️ COORDINATION & BALANCE – 3453 (including 3434 Ataxia)
🔸️ POLYDIPSIA (excessive drinking) – 3282
🔹️ BEHAVIOURAL DISORDERS – 3158 (including “Not himself/herself”, Hiding, Head shake behavioural disorder, Less social, Lip smacking, Destructive behaviour, Hyperactivity, Restlessness, Pacing, Unsettled, Agitation, Circling, inappropriate urination, not urinating, Vocalisation (including whining, barking, moaning, impaired vocalisation, growling, crying), Anxiety, Aggression, Inappropriate defecation, Excessive chewing, licking or grooming, Hallucination, Self-mutilation, teeth grinding, Sleep disturbance, Pica, Sexual Disorders, Miscellaneous eating disorder, Loss of Appendage, Pigmentation disorders)
🔸️ ANOREXIA – 2905
🔹️ DEATH – 2803 (including 1777 by euthanasia)
🔸️ LETHARGY – 2775
🔹️ OTHER DIGESTIVE TRACT DISORDER – 2729 (including Diarrhoea 2069, Haemorrhagic Diarrhoea 255, Nausea 183 and flatulence, bloating, abdominal distension, regurgitation, gastroenteritis).
🔸️ STOMACH DISORDERS – 2532 (including Emesis (vomiting) 2369).
🔹️ RENAL & URINARY INVESTIGATIONS – 2376 (including Increased BUN 948, Decreased urine concentration 755, Haematuria 466, Proteinuria 357, Elevated SDMA 295).
🔸️ SKIN & APPENDAGES DISORDERS – 2149 (including pruritus, licking, itching, biting, chewing, excoriation, rubbing, scratching, self-trauma, skin irritation, dermatitis, eczema, erythema, dermal mass, skin lumps, peeling / flaky skin, skin texture changes including dry / thickening, Bullous Disorder, Alopecia, Hair Change, skin lesions, skin ulcers, skin and tissue infections, skin and tissue disorders, claw and nail disorders, elastic tissue disorders)
🔹️ RESPIRATORY TRACT DISORDERS – 2121 (including Bronchial and Lung Disorders; Tachypnoea 1200, Dyspnoea 565 eg panting, increased respiratory rate, hyperventilating, difficulty breathing, laboured breathing, heavy breathing, respiratory distress, shallow breathing, open mouth breathing; Pneumonia, Ralem Pulmonary Oedema, Apnoea, Cough, Nasal Cavity and Sinus Disorders, Tracheal and Laryngeal Disorders, Thoracic Cavity Disorders).
🔸️ NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDER – 1635 (including Tremor 928, Nystagmus 381, Myasenthia Gravis 12)
🔹️ CONVULSIONS & EPILEPSY - 1336 (including Seizure 1326)
🔸️ PARALYTIC & PARETIC DISORDERS - 1185 (including limb and tail paresis, limb paralysis, laryngeal paralysis, facial paralysis, tongue paralysis, droopy ete (eyelid ptosis), droppy lower lip)
🔹️ SENSORY ABNORMALITIES – 957 (including Proprioception Abnormality, Knuckling, Increased sensitivity to sound, light, pain, movement, Sensation loss, numbness, loss of smell)
🔸️ RECUMBENCY – 985 (Unable to get up)
🔹️ HEPATOBILIARY INVESTIGATIONS – 943 (including Elevated Liver Enzymes 932)
🔸️ RED BLOOD CELL INVESTIGATIONS - 888 (including Anaemia 759, Haemolytic Anaemia 25)
🔸️ URINARY TRACT DISORDERS – 830 (including urinary tract infection 762)
🔹️ WHITE BLOOD CELLS INVESTIGATIONS – 784 (including Leukocytosis 311, Neutrophilia 292, Monocytosis 161, Lymphopenia 144)
🔸️ CARDIO-VASCULAR SYSTEM DISORDERS – 780 (including Circulatory Disorders, Hypertension, Circulatory Shock, Hypotension, Syncope, Weak Pulse, Peripheral Vascular Disorder, Cardiac Rhythm Disorders, Tachycardia, Arrhythmia, Bradycardia, Murmur, Heart enlargement, Calvular Disorder, Cardiomyopathy, Myocarditis, Aggravated Cardiac/Heart Disorders, Pericardial Disorders, Vascular Disorders)
🔹️ IMMUNE SYSTEM DISORDERS – 728 (including Allergic, Anaphylaxis, Hypersensitivity Reactions; Auto-immune Disorders eg IMHA, IMTP, IMPA, Pemphigus; Persistent Infections)
🔸️ INTESTINAL DISORDERS – 714 (including involuntary defecation / faecal incontinence 471, Intestinal statis 96, Colitis 33, Enteritis 20, IBD 11)
🔹️ ORAL CAVITY DISORDERS – 628 (including hypersalivation / excessive drooling 356)
🔸️ NEOPLASIA – 606 (including Splenic 85, Lymphoma 80, Hepato-biliary 50, Musculoskeletal 45, Mast Cell Tumour 31, Hemangiosarcoma 23, Endocrine 22, Digestive Tract 12, Nervous System 12, Mammary Gland 10, Leukaemia 10, Urinary Tract 8, Cardiac 7, Connective tissue 6, Injection site 6, Exocrine Pancreatic 4, Male reproductive tract 2, Skin Adnexal 2, Haemangioma 2, Myeloma 2, Plasmacytoma 1, Eye 1, Mesothelial 1, Prostatic 1)
🔹️ APPLICATION SITE DISORDERS – 588 (irritation, infections, mass at injection site)
🔸️ EYE DISORDERS – 557 (including impaired vision 123, blindness 89, Eyelid Disorder 67, Ocular discharge 65, Eye Redness 50, Corneal Disorders 39, Conjunctivitis 30, Periorbital Oedema (swollen eye/around eye) 29, Membrane Nictitans disorders 29, Keratoconjunctivitis (dry eye) 26, Eye chamber disorders 25, Retinal disorder 25, Iris, Ciliary body, and Choroid disorders 24, Lens disorders 20, Abnormal vision 15, Cloudy Eye 12, Exophthalmia (bulging eye) 11, Eye irritation 10, Lacrimal Gland Disorder 9,
Enophthalmos (sunken eye) 8, Strabismus 8, Conjunctival oedema 4, Conjunctival disorders and keratoconjunctivitis 3, Scleritis 3, Eye inflammation 3, Optic nerve disorder 2, Eye Paralysis 1)
🔸️ ELECTROLYTE INVESTIGATIONS – 487 (including high and low phosphate, potassium, sodium, chloride and calcium in blood)
🔸️ THROMBOCYTE INVESTIGATIONS – 447 (including Thrombocytopenia 351)
🔹️ BLOOD & LYMPHATIC SYSTEM DISORDERS – 395 (including Lymph node disorders 198 (enlarged); Spleen & Reticulo-Endothelial disorders 97; Coagulation Abnormalities 70; Haemorrhage 41)
🔸️ RENAL DISORDERS – 391 (including renal failure)
🔹️ SERUM PROTEIN INVESTIGATIONS – 386 (including Elevated Globulins 187, Hypoalbuminemia 140)
🔸️ ABDOMINAL CAVITY DISORDERS – 362 (including Abdominal Pain 231, Fluid in Abdomen 89)
🔹️ METABOLIC INVESTIGATIONS – 353 (including elevated cholesterol, hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia)
🔸️ PANCREATIC INVESTIGATIONS – 296 (including Elevated Pancreatic Enzymes 291; and Low Pancreatic Enzymes 5)
🔹️ HEPATO-BILIARY DISORDERS – 270 (including Hepatopathy 88, Hepatomegaly 79, Hepatic Failure 30, Hepatitis 21, Liver Nodules 14, Hepatic Necrosis, Hepatic Fibrosis, Hepatic Abscess)
🔸️ PANCREAS DISORDERS – 246 (including Pancreatitis)
🔹️ ENDOCRINE DISORDERS – 257 (including Diabetes Mellitus 116, Adrenal gland disorder 87 (hyper and hypoadrenocorticism), Thyroid gland disorder 46 (hypothyroidism); Diabetes Insipidus 6, Parathyroid Disorders 6)
🔸️ OESOPHAGEAL & PHARYNGEAL DISORDERS – 28 (including Megaoesophagus, Pharyngeal Disorder, Oesophagitis)
🔸️ Other Systemic Disorders not included above: Weight loss 615; Hyperthermia 589; Malaise 580; General Pain 391; Reluctant to Move 304; Collapse 296; Adipsia 288; Oedema 275; Pale Mucous Membrane 255; Dehydration 198; Discomfort 197; Increased appetite 176; Mass 152; Abnormal Posture 105; Localised Pain 98; Lying down 82; Jaundice 58; Weight Gain 57; Trauma 56; Abdominal Mass 51; Appetite Disorder 47, Cyanosis 45, Hypothermia 34; Congested Mucous Membrane 34, Increased skin temperature 32, Glazed eye 27; Exercise intolerance 27; Haematoma 25, Lipoma 19, Loss of Condition / Body Score 18, Abscess 16, Ulceration 15, Necrosis 14, Dysphoria 8, Multi-organ failure 8, Septicaemia 7, Weight fluctuation 6, Cachexia 6, Low skin temperature 4, Sick Euthyroid syndrome 3, Steatitis 2, System fungal infection 2.
🔹️ Other Investigations not included above: Abnormal Cytology 123, Low T4 x 78, Abnormal reflex eye test x 75, Elevated C-Reactive proteins x 66, Necropsy performed x 50, Muscle investigations x 49 (47 with elevated CK), Adrenal investigations x 34, Coagulation investigation x 30, Histological investigations x 15, Elevated T4 x 14, Abnormal TSH x 13, Cardiac investigations x 13, Bone Marrow investigations x 11, Synovial fluid investigations x 9, Abnormal physical investigation x 4, Peritoneal fluid investigations x 3, Elevated Fibrinogen level x 3, Low T3 x 2, Conjunctival investigations x 2, Decreased intra-ocular pressure x 2, 2 Parathyroid investigations x 2, Pleural fluid investigations x 2, Pituitary investigations x 1, Reproductive investigations x 1,
High T3 x 1, Abnormal thyroid related antibodies x 1
Thank you for always speaking up for the animals and putting the time it takes in researching and compiling this dreadful information. ✨🐾🕊💫
Exactly this…”What IS it going to take?”…and when is it this lack of information and all the facts about any pHarma given… going to come out screaming in the open?
Wow! This is what it looks like to be aware and on the case. Thank you for this most valuable information. I'm sure you're aware that the CEO of Pfizer is a Veterinarian.