Sep 6, 2022Liked by Josie Beug, DVM, CVA

Thank you for this beautiful and profound piece. I can feel your connection to this soul work with the animals....

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Dear Josie, Thank you for your deep and moving reflection on grief. I am so very sorry for all of your losses. Each one seems to chip away at us. You are a blessing to the animals. I know grief intimately, too. I once had a healer say to me "My dear, you have so much grief it's buried in your bones." I didn't even feel sad when I walked in to see her that day. She placed an acupuncture needle in my heart center and a tsunami of tears rose up and out of me. I couldn't stop crying. Ayurveda teaches that grief resides in the lungs. My teacher said it's like old stale air. We need to breathe it out. No wonder so many are walking around in a state of grief these days. Global collective grief.

Sending you much love, Josie. 💗

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